Spirit level,Physical and chemical equipment,High dimensional precision,The High Precision Glass Vessel glass tube product
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Spirit level
What is a spirit level?
A spirit level is a general name of instrument measuring the level of plane, or is a precision processed product where a single foam is sealed into a glass-made container of circle, rod shape or barrel shape into which alcohol or incombustible special solution is contained.
Because the level plane of respective containers is finished to a very much delicate curve, the position of foam changes depending on the angle of plane where the spirit level has been placed. If the plane should be tilted even to a slight degree, the foam gets separated from the center of container, but the foam comes to the center and stops there on the level plane.
Principle of spirit levels
Suppose that we want to measure the levelness in X direction. In that case, we can measure the levelness using the instrument as shown in Fig. 1. And in that case, longer the string, to which a weight is attached, the measurement can be taken more correctly. However, in reality, it is impossible to use instrument that becomes the height of several tens of meters so as to take a correct measurement. Therefore, a spirit level as shown in Fig.2 (the figure shows a rod shape level vial), that utilizes the specific gravity difference between the solution and the foam. The plane on which the scales are engraved forms a correct circle. Larger the radius (the size of radius), it becomes the more delicate curved face, and more correct measurement becomes possible.
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Guidance of Spirit level
Circular Vials
Horaizontal angles are measured by placing these instruments on surfaces. These enable the user to measure the horizontal angles in all directions.
Model Item number A(mm)
outside diameter
Diameter of circle
Diameter of bubble
Above:Marked line
Below: 2mm
Standard color of marked circle Warranted marked temperature
1S-100-01 φ10.0
MAX8.0 φ4.0 φ2.5 ~3.5 0゜38' 12"
0゜38' 12"
red 50
1S-100-02 φ11.0
MAX8.8 φ4.5 φ2.5 ~3.5 0゜42' 58"
0゜38' 12"
red 50
1S-100-03 φ11.0
MAX8.8 φ4.0 φ2.5 ~3.0 0゜08' 36"
0゜08' 36"
red 50
1S-100-04 φ12.0
MAX8.8 φ4.5 φ3.3 ~3.8 0゜42' 58"
0゜38' 12"
red 60


MAX8.8 φ4.5 φ2.8 ~3.3 0゜22' 45"
0゜20' 13"
red 50
1S-100-06 φ13.8
MAX8.8 φ5.0 φ3.0 ~4.0 0゜47' 45"
0゜38' 12"
red 60
1S-100-07 φ13.8
MAX8.8 φ5.0 φ3.0 ~4.0 0゜25' 17"
0゜20' 13"
blue 60
1S-100-08 φ13.8
MAX8.8 φ5.0 φ3.0 ~4.0 0゜17' 11"
0゜13' 45"
red 60
1S-100-10 φ13.6
MAX8.8 φ5.0 φ3.0 ~4.0 0゜07' 10"
0゜05' 44"
red 60
1S-100-12 φ16.0
MAX8.8 φ5.5 φ3.5 ~4.5 0゜52' 31"
0゜38' 12"
red 50
1S-100-13 φ16.0
MAX8.8 φ5.5 φ3.5 ~4.5 0゜18' 54"
0゜13' 45"
blue 50
1S-100-14 φ17.0
MAX8.8 φ6.0 φ3.5 ~4.5 0゜57' 18"
0゜38' 12"
red 50
1S-100-15 φ13.6
MAX8.8 φ5.0 φ3.0 ~4.0 0゜25' 17"
0゜20' 13"
blue 60
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Tubular Vials
Tubular vials are limited to single-dimension measurement of angles,but boast superior accuracy.Suited for mounting on vehicles.
Model Specifications
Dimension(A×B) Sensitivity
5K-100-04 φ6×34mm 17' 11" (R-300)
5K-100-05 φ6×34mm 11' 28" (R-450)
5K-100-06 φ6×34mm 8' 36" (R-600)
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Small Tubular Vials
Indications are maeked. Used for measurement of angles in one dimension.
Model Specifications
Dimension(A×B) Sensitivity
5S-100-01 φ5.5×20mm (R-180)
5S-100-02 φ5.5×25mm (R-180)
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Small Tubular Vials
Indications are maeked. Used for measurement of angles in one dimension.
Model Specifications
Dimension(A×B) Sensitivity
6S-100-01 φ7.0×26mm (R-150)
6S-100-04 φ8.0×42mm (R-150)
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Circular VialsSurface-mount type
Can be secured at 3 points enabling usage on scales and other measuring instruments.Can be easily adjusted after installation.
Model Specifications
Trunk diameter(A)×Exterior diameter(B)×Height(C) D E Sensitivity
1K-201-01 φ16×φ28×10.5mm φ22 φ2 38' 12" (R-180)
1K-201-02 φ16×φ28×10.5mm φ22 φ2 20' 13" (R-340)
1K-201-03 φ16×φ28×10.5mm φ22 φ2 13' 45" (R-500)
1K-201-04 φ20×φ32×12mm φ27 φ3 38' 12" (R-180)
1K-201-05 φ20×φ32×12mm φ27 φ3 20' 13" (R-340)
1K-201-06 φ20×φ32×12mm φ27 φ3 13' 45" (R-500
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Circular Vials(Press-fit type)
Circuler vials for pres-fitting in instruments.By becoming a part of the instrument,it does not stick out.
Model Specifications
Trunk diameter(A)×Exterior diameter(B)×Height(C) Sensitivity
1K-202-01 φ16.5×φ20×12mm 38' 12" (R-180)
1K-202-02 φ16.5×φ20×12mm 20' 13" (R-340)
1K-202-03 φ16.5×φ20×12mm 13' 45" (R-500)
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Plate Inclinometer(dual level)
Two cylindrical spirit levels are set perpendicular to each other to measure the inclination in two dimentions.
Model Specifications
Diameter(A)×Height(B) Hole pitch(C) Sensitivity
5K-202-01 φ78×14mm 40mm 17' 11" (R-300)
5K-202-02 φ78×14mm 40mm 11' 28" (R-450)
5K-202-03 φ78×14mm 40mm 8' 36" (R-600)
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Haxagonal Cylinder Vials
Designed to be small and light in a haxagonal shape.Very convenient for carrying around.
Model Specifications
Size(Hexagonal dianeter across flats×Length) Sensitivity
5S-201-01 10×65mm 48'
5S-201-02 10×90mm 48'
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Circular Level
Portable circular spilit level. Place on the surface for which you ish to measure the horizontal angle.
Model Specifications
Diameter(A)×Height(B) Sensitivity
1S-103-01 φ40×12mm 38' 12" (R-180)
1S-103-02 φ40×12mm 20' 13" (R-340)
1S-103-03 φ40×12mm 13' 45" (R-500)
1S-103-04 φ40×12mm 08' 36" (R-800)
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Circular Inclinometer
Portable inclinometer. Marked with a scale,in enables you to measure the angle of inclination of the surface you wish to measure.
Model Specifications
Diameter(A)×Height(B) C Sensitivity(Scale unit)
1K-211-01 φ50×18mm - 20' (R-340)
1K-211-02 φ50×18mm - 15' (R-500)
1K-211-03 φ50×18mm - 10' (R-800)
1K-211-04 φ60×18mm 42 20' (R-340)
1K-211-05 φ60×18mm 42 15' (R-500)
1K-211-06 φ60×18mm 42 10' (R-800)
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Single-Dimension Level(Simple type)
Cylindrical horizontal tube fitted into a simpe frame for single-dimension measurement.
Model Specifications
Diameter(A)×Height(B) Hole pitch(C) Sensitivity(Scale unit)
5K-103-01 70×15mm 60mm 17' 11"
5K-103-02 70×15mm 60mm 11' 28"
5K-103-03 70×15mm 60mm 8' 36"
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Single-Dimension Inclinometer (Single level)
Inclinometer for a single-dimension with the same sensitivity as the dual-level type.
Model Specifications
Diameter(A)×Width(B)×Height(C) Hole pitch(D) Sensitivity(Scale unit)
5K-105-01 76×20×14mm 66mm 17' 11" (R-300)
5K-105-02 76×20×14mm 66mm 11' 28" (R-450)
5K-105-03 76×20×14mm 66mm 8' 36" (R-600)
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